Kaz's Adventure 2: Lost Souls
Re-Enter the world of Kaz's Adventure!

New Story
Welcome back to the world of Kaz's Adventure, after Kaz meets with a terrible fate, he goes looking to reunite with his long lost brother as he adventures through the vast underworld!

New Graphics
Kaz's Adventure 2 uses hand drawn, cartoon styled, 2D graphics compared to the first games pixel art style!

New Gameplay
Kaz gains a new ability during the story which allows him to do a short dash forward which allows for a faster paced and more risky adventure!

New Modes
This game comes with 2 new bonus modes for players to enjoy once unlocked by collecting 15 or 30 Soul Orbs, you may unlock the modes before or after the story is complete, one of the new modes is the survival mode where players must survive as long as possible on a small platform as the returning enemy: "Cloaked", constantly float towards you, the theme will change each attempt you do to reflect the different world environments within the story!