About Us
Creating original and enjoyable experiences
In March 2024, Barlow Games was formed as a development studio of media (mainly video games) and backdated Kaz's Adventure (2022.) to be developed by Barlow Games (Originally developed under the name Michael Barlow).
From there, We released Kaz's Adventure 2: Lost Souls in late 2024 as the first game released under Barlow Games and we aim to create new expirences that are both enjoyable and affordable in the future.

Project Renewal
Not much can be revealed at this time.
This project aims to create a new and original IP for Barlow Games in 3D.

Kaz's Adventure
The Kaz's Adventure franchise first started in 2022 with its originally paid later turned free DLC being released a little later.
In 2023, Kaz's Pixel Puzzle released and in 2024, Kaz's Adventure 2: Lost Souls released before the series went on temporary hold.